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mistress ingrid frost logo yellow
mistress ingrid frost logo yellow

A Crap Affair

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A Crap Affair 2
I am the queen of excess and treat my beloved Celine to a fresh turd yet the abuse doesn`t stop here. I`m feeding him an indecent amount of shit and making him drink milk in which one of my tampons was soaked. Will all this scare him away or is this going to be a catalyst to making him perform even better as my potential 24/7 slave?

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A Crap Affair 1
My 24/7 wannabe slut is late…His successful shopping trip delayed his arrival and till he came back I shitted twice. Darn, my period came as well. I prepare crepes with shit, looks better than Nutella and has less saturated fats, obviously a healthy version of the Nutella pancakes classic. Guess what I`ll do next.

mistress ingrid frost logo yellow

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